Trevor Browne

Student Support Services 


We understand that sometimes life can be overwhelming and it can be hard to work through difficult times. That's why the Student Support Services team provides support and guidance to our students who are experiencing challenges that are impacting them at school. These difficulties may be social/emotional, behavioral and/or community needs related in nature.  

Student Support Services provides a number of free and confidential services and supports to the school community. Student Support Services personnel encompass many aspects of the high school environment including Social Workers, Student Prevention/ Intervention Specialist, Behavior Intervention Specialist, Student Success Coordinator, Student Liaisons, Nurse and Community Liaisons.

We value our relationship with each of you and want to thank you for placing your trust in our team. To schedule an appointment, go to the "Meet the Team" page and select the person you would like to see.   

For additional resources and community referrals, please visit our Resources and Information link and use the drop down menu.  

We hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe. Please take care of yourselves. 

Thank you,

Your TGB Student Support Service Team

Available Supports

Student Support Services provides support for social/emotional, behavioral and/or community needs related issues, which are interfering with the student’s success at school.  These issues may include:


The social workers, student prevention/intervention specialist, and behavior intervention specialist are available to meet with students one on one who need additional mental health, social/emotional and behavioral support. 

Support Group

A variety of support groups are offered to our students in order to assist with specific issues and/or problems that may be interfering with their social/emotional growth and/or success in high school.  Groups are a great way to meet with other students who can relate to one another. Students will find a forum of peer support, where they can gain strength as they share their feelings and experiences with other students who are facing the same obstacles.   Each group generally meets once a week, during the school day. Groups require an initial consultation or group screening. 

Restorative Conversations/ Mediations

Conflict is a normal and positive force that can be a part of personal growth and social change.  To deal effectively with a conflict, a trained facilitator manages a process of communication called a restorative conference or a mediation.  Restorative conferences and mediations are a chance to sit face to face and talk, uninterrupted, so each side of the dispute is heard. It allows for problem solving, restoration and a resolution or agreement that is written and signed.   

The community liaisons provides community resources and referrals, emergency food boxes, and oversee the campus clothing closet.  


Fill out an online referral form that will be sent directly to Student Support Services